Thursday, May 04, 2006

I didn't make my bed or re-decorate my room. Every morning when I wake up there is a cat fast asleep at the bottom of my bed, cosily snuggled up in the blankets. Now that it's getting to winter and I have my most favourite blanket, which turns out to also be Simba's favourite, on my bed he has decided to sleep with me. Except he sleeps right next to me during the night. Right next to me. It's very annoying when I need to turn over, but then I can't complain because I love my animal. The thing is he sleeps on my bed all day as well as all night (he leaves the house after dinner then comes home some time during the night most of the time, dirty stop-out). This means I can't make my bed, because I can't make myself make him get up. Tomorrow though, he will be moved. I will be washing my sheets and quilt cover before bringing out the quilt from the cupboard after a long stint in storage. Then I will tidy my room. I will!

I made something today, but I can't say what it is because it is for Sharyn and she reads this now. I can't show pictures or even describe it because it is a surprise, except to say it's bright pink and green because she chose the colours. It's not perfect, but it is handmade. And the first thing I've made for someone else in my new life as a crafter.

I drank the other night. Me! It was strawberry champagne. Not pink champagne, strawberry champage. I didn't particularly like it and it went straight to my head. I'm such a party girl. I drank it and laid straight down on the couch with a headache.

Anyway, must be off. My grandma got home today and we have to go see her before she goes away again (but only for one night) tomorrow. This is the woman who never goes anywhere (except Sydney and Melbourne and Emerald and London and Singapore and Korea). Until tomorrow...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello, darling girl. when i saw the mention of my name and what you're making for me i hoped you might give it away, but you're too clever for me. so i will just have to wait patiently . i have tried strawberry champagne, peach too, and i wasn't too impressed either. i think it sounds nicer than it actually is. lots of love. xo

8:32 PM  

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