Thursday, July 13, 2006

Sleepless Nights

This little monster kept me up all night last night. He has a habit of hogging the bed, but last night was rediculous! He crept into bed just after me and, as he usually does, took up residence right behind my knees. Only somehow this time he was postioned that no matter how much I moved, no matter which side of the bed I climbed over him to, I couldn't find enough room to let me sleep. I didn't want to kick him out, because I always complain that he never sleeps in my bed. (Speak of the devil, he just climbed in the window with a jingle of his bell.) I think there was a stage during the night where I exclaimed "Move over Simba!" but he still wouldn't budge. Somehow we both eventually learned to co-exist in the same double bed and drifted off to sleep. Let's not mention that this morning he attacked me, without provocation (which I can usually be blamed of), while I was hanging out the washing and took a gash out of my ankle.

My activities this morning consisted of reupholstering the seats of the kitchen stools, to match the dining chairs I did a few years ago. Mum's friend that she works with, Jenny, had bought the same fabric to make curtains and gave me the leftovers the other day to do something with. There's not enough to recover the backs but I may have some of the fabric somewhere myself. It's not a fabric I think I would pick anymore, in fact it wasn't my favourite when I bought it but my Grandma convinced me, but I really really like it as part of the dining set. It goes so well with the wood. And once I finish the stools properly the house will be a little further on it's way to co-ordination. Let's hope we never move to a house that doesn't go with red, orange and green.

I gave this letter holder new life last week, by painting it's dark wood with Whisper White paint and covering the backs with the fabric of a flanellette pillow case. The letter holder and the pillow case were picked up from op shops. I'd like to keep it for myself but I have nowhere to hang it. I have a letter holder (an old metal one that I also picked up secondhand and covered completely in fabric) hanging from the wall unit in the hall, but I can't get the nail out of it to swap it with this one. Plus this one doesn't match the house (though I do wish the house matched it).

EDIT: Look at all the new red dots on my world map over there (to the right). There's new ones along the west coast and in central USA and I think more over Europe/the UK's way. Eek.


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