I just wrote a whole post then it disappeared when I tried to spell check at the end.
Anyway, it went somewhere along the lines of: I haven't written in a few days as I've been keeping away from the computer. I almost went over the limit of my download quota last month so left it a few days before coming back to blogging.
Friday was Caloundra Show Day, which means the whole town gets the day off to go to the show. Except the show is actually in Maleny and we've never ever been. But my Poppy (who is Chairman of the Turf Club) had the clever idea of having Ladies Oaks Day on the Show Day so that everyone who doesn't go to the show can go to the races. So we all got dressed up and went out. This is me and Grandma. Grandma always dresses really fancy and has hats made especially for her outfits. It's a tough deal being the Chairman's wife. I don't quite compare, but I got to buy a new skirt for the occassion and wear a fascinator.
This is a horse (of course). It wasn't a winner but came in close to us after the race, ideal for picture taking. We were in the champagne garden which is in front of the saddling yard and place where the winners get their ribbons. It was such a lovely day, not that I'm one to appreciate the weather.
Sunday night I suddenly got the urge to clean my wardrobe. No, not go through and throw out all the old clothes I never wear, but organise all the magazines and newspapers I've collected over the years. Now I much prefer the word 'collected' over 'hoarded' but what it really comes down to is that I never throw anything out. Except as I went through it all I couldn't go past the chance to catalogue it all. So it took hours and hours (not to mention taking up my bed) and I finally finished it this morning.
So now I have a box of teddy bears, a box of baby clothes, a box of Princess Diana magazines, a box of random collected magazines, a box of uni books, a box of Kennedy magazines and a pile of newspapers all living along the top shelf of my wardrobe. Being on this top shelf is in case of flood, because it could happen, and that's also why the boxes are plastic. However, it is very hard to lift a box full uni books above one's head to reach a top shelf. And because, let's face it, I
relish organising, all the boxes have lists on the front displaying what's inside them. I don't know that I'll ever get inside them again though as the boxes are too heavy to get down. I'll have to crawl up there somehow. Now my room is so tidy I might be able to fit in it again, which just means there's no excuse anymore not to buy more things.
Grandma and I went for a walk today from Bulcock Beach, past Happy Valley and Kings Beach and then up to the top of the headland and back again, then stopped and had an ice chocolate, completely defeating the purpose of walking in the first place. Oh well. The water was so pretty but the wind was very chilly. It's nice to get out in the sun and remember I don't live in Antarctica, despite this house being sooooo cold. We're going walking again tomorrow, then to Spotlight. I have to fit some sewing into the day too. I'm making my cousin Fergus a toy bag and am trying to think of something to sew for Aunty Vicki for her birthday, which is on Wednesday. I would have had to send her present today to get to Melbourne by then, so it will arrive late. Assuming I get around to making anything. Oh the hassle of being a sewer and having no time to sew.